Valued Vintages: Raise Your Property Value with a Custom Wine Room

There’s no question that a beautifully bespoke wine room adds elegance, character and a sense of artistic individuality to a home. But it can add to the resale value of your residence, as well.

Even if you simply want to build a space where you can house your treasured bottles and enjoy them with guests for many years to come, it makes sense to take a look how this addition can make your home more attractive to buyers should you ever decide to sell.

Here are just a few things to think about:

Beloved Beverage – According to, the U.S. consumes the largest volume of wine of any country.* And after the shutdown of bars and restaurants during the height of the pandemic, homeowners especially desire the convenience of having their own wines on hand and the ability to store them correctly. Potential buyers who feel the same are often willing to pay a premium for having this unique feature in an existing home.

Custom is King – Even in a tight housing market, buyers can still be quite particular when perusing the offerings. Special amenities like home gyms, movie theatres and spas are all quite attractive. However, buyers who are shopping for something exceptional will spot the uniqueness of a home with a wine room straightaway – especially one that is uniquely designed, aesthetically pleasing and climate-controlled to perfection.

Serviceable Spaces – A professional wine cellar designer can work with a homeowner to turn an underutilized area in their home – such as a formal dining room or off-kitchen storage area – into a modern wine room. Taking these areas from being a wasted space to highly-functional wine storage room can elevate a home’s value in the eyes of a buyer.

Generate a Buzz – A custom wine room naturally invites queries:

                                   * How was it constructed?
                                   * How many bottles can it hold?
                                   * What kinds of wine do you keep?

Buyers (and their realtors) will be inspired to not only ask questions, but to talk about the custom room with friends and colleagues who will very likely become intrigued enough to tour the home. This shared experience not only draws in legitimate potential buyers but increases the perceived resale value for the final purchaser.

Questions? We’d love to chat with you about how a custom wine storage space can help build the worth of your property. Call, text or email us anytime!

*33 million hectoliters in 2020